Terms & Condition

Your order is accepted and a contract is formed between Gheri and you when we despatch the goods you have ordered and not before. A contract is not formed at the point in time that payment has been taken from you by Gheri, nor at the point in time that you receive an email from Gheri acknowledging receipt of your order. Until the goods are despatched the order may not be accepted by Gheri or may be cancelled by you. Exceptions apply to orders for personalised items and goods made to your order which cannot be cancelled by you once you have received email confirmation that your order has been received; as such items and goods may already be in production as a result of your order. For security reasons we may restrict the volumes of certain items to be sold in any one transaction.

Following formation of the contract Gheri shall continue to own any goods ordered until it has received payment in full from you even though the goods may have already been delivered to you.

UK, and EU. The prices shown are exclusive of any value added tax or sales tax. Due to circumstances beyond our control, prices may have to be altered up or down, including any alterations to the rate of value added tax or sales tax. The current price will be shown when you place your order. All prices shown are cash prices in sterling. Prices of goods displayed in and ordered through the Directory may differ from prices in-store.